If you are having issues with the alignment, positioning, or formatting, the issue lies with your HTML code itself. The app simply takes the HTML code you provide and passes it directly to create your signature without any alterations or modifications.
Due to the complexities of the HTML specifications, and subtle differences in implementing these across various browsers and email clients, the appearance or rendering of your HTML can change in undesired ways. In other words, if your signature looks great in Safari, it's still possible it might not look as you expect in your mail client. Preparing cross-platform compatible HTML code is an issue that web developers face daily, and as such, requires skill to implement. Furthermore, email clients often require that the HTML styles are embedded inline, so CSS style blocks are not universally supported.
If you're not familiar with inline CSS, take a look at the free CSS Inliner Tool provided by MailChimp.
If you'd like personalized assistance with your HTML code, we offer paid support as well. Please contact us if you are interested in this option.