Installed version:
Your license - either Mac App Store or website - is only valid for the version you've purchased (see Installation Guide).
Wrong version installed:
The website version of the software cannot be activated if you've purchased the software from the App Store. If you are missing the "Restore License" menu option, then it means you have the website version installed. Please delete or uninstall it before installing the Mac App Store version.
Purchased, but still reports as not licensed:
Note: Files that have been converted with the free version need to be re-processed after licensing.
A license for the Mac App Store is available via in-app purchase (Apple has a security measure in place preventing any duplicate in-app license purchases). However, if you're having difficulties getting the software to recognize the license, try one of these common solutions:
- Empty the Trash
- Restart your computer
- Help menu > Restore Purchase to re-validate your purchase with Apple and fix any licensing issues
- As a last resort, you can try uninstalling and reinstalling, followed by Restore Purchase.
If you had the website version of MSG Viewer for Outlook installed on your computer prior to installing the version from the Mac App Store, there may be some compatibility issues and in certain cases the purchase will not be saved. Please perform a complete uninstall using our utility, empty the Trash, and restart your computer, Once your computer has restarted, download MSG Viewer for Outlook from the Mac App Store again, and choose Restore Purchase from the Help menu.
If you're using the App Store version, and unable to successfully complete the in-app purchase for the full license, there could be an issue with your iTunes account. This can generally be resolved by signing out of your account from iTunes, signing back in, and rebooting your computer. Emptying the Trash can also help if you've had other versions of the software on your computer.
Enter your Apple ID in iTunes:
iTunes 10: Store > Sign In.
iTunes 11 or later: iTunes Store > Quick Links: Account.
If you're still having trouble, please visit Apple Support for additional details on how to resolve this issue or feel free to purchase the software directly via our website.
If you click 'Restore' and do not get any feedback (error message or otherwise), please see this article. We've identified a bug that seems to be primarily affecting macOS 10.13 users.
If you do see an error message (i.e., it cannot find your purchase), then the software was not purchased with the same iCloud account as the one you made the original purchase from.